
Revolution Physiques

Hello and welcome to Revolution Physiques. My name is Graham Fleming.

All my teenage and young adult life I struggled with health and wellness issues, most noticeably, being overweight and suffering with low confidence (although I hid this from everyone).

I attended University where I graduated first in my class and I acquired a highly rated corporate job. I had became discontent with my appearance, mainly attributed to my excessive alcohol and food consumption to ‘fit in’ with my colleagues. As humans we long to feel accepted. It was not until I made the personal decision to take control of my life where I discovered my true passion, nutrition.

Following on from the decision to change and take control of my nutrition I discovered my next great passion, training. Both of these elements contributed to an improved physique, increased confidence and most importantly I felt as if I could help others through this journey.

Having implemented varying nutrition and training methods I noticed that individuals would come to me for advice. I originally began replying to people individually however requests kept arriving and I realised that I preferred to guide and support individuals in their own body composition journey rather than my corporate job, resulting in the founding of Revolution Physiques. The term ‘Revolution’ is used as we aim to revolt against the common pseudo-science nutrition and training claims which individuals are constantly bombarded with, for example; eating after 6pm will make you gain weight.

I have always loved food and that has not changed, however what has changed is my outlook towards nutrition. The aim of Revolution Physiques is to coach individuals through a change in their approach towards nutrition. We educate our clients with the necessary scientifically based nutrition and training knowledge to ensure they possess the tools to leave us and continue along their own personal physique journey.

We work with our clients to ensure that they can sustain their new outlook on nutrition, training, and most importantly life.

Here at Revolution Physique we believe that health, fitness and wellness is a lifestyle and not a quick fix. We see ourselves as long-term change delivery experts and we will be alongside our clients for every step of their journey.

Contact us today if you are ready to make a change and enrich your life.