Premium Online Physique Coaching Program

This is the most extensive and challenging service offered from Revolution Physique. Here, having completed a detailed application form, a select number of individuals will be selected to partake in this program. If you are unsuccessful (i.e you do not receive a reply within 3-5 days) you can still apply for the 6 or 12 week programs and it in no way reflects personally on the applicant.

If your application is successful then a call will be arranged with your prescribed coach to validate your answers and to ensure you are the correct fit for this program.

Throughout this program your coach will be in constant communication and a relationship will form to allow the recipient to feel supported through any obstacle they may face.

This program does not have a prescribed number of weeks as the recipients are assessed on an individual basis and may have to overcome various challenges.

This program aims to assess the client’s life as a whole and develop them into the character they aspire to become.

Following the completion of this program the recipients will have a new outlook on life and possess the tools to overcome various life obstacles.


  • Successful applicants will receive all details once they have had there initial call.

Please click here to complete your application form.